Teleducação - Introdução



Distance Learning is the delivery of instruction to the right group of people at the right time in the right place , the educator and the learner may be separated by time, distance or both. It may or may not include technology.

Distance Education

Computer Aided Instruction on the Internet


Como o nome indica, CBT-Computer Based Training é o treinamento proporcionado via computador, mas não necessáriamente sobre computadores ou sobre tecnologia de computadores.

Aplicações de CBT tem sido desenvolvidas para desenvolver habilidades, adquirir conhecimento e atitudes em uma grande variade de áreas.

Até pouco tempo atrás, CBT era usado basicamente de forma linear, baseado em textos, nada mais do que um apresentador de páginas, uma a uma.

O CBT atual, evoluiu para sistemas instrucionais interativos, centrados no usuário, que usam extensivamente gráficos, fotografias, animação, som e vídeo animado. Isto é denominado multimídia.

Todavia, multimídia é CBT apenas se o meio atende a um objetivo instrucional.

Ferramentas avançadas de "autoração" reuzem as dificuldades técnicas para desenvolver sistemas interativos que usam intensamente tais recursos.

Assim, o desenvolvedor pode concentrar-se no objetivo educacional de usar múltiplas mídias.

Até reentementem aplicações CBT não podiam ser rápida e economicamente atualizadas à medida em que o conteúdo se alterava. For exemplo, treinamento na Internet propriamente dita, poderia ficar desatualizado muito rapidamente, desde do momento em que o CBT fosse projetado, codficado e distribuído. Alem disso,produzir CBT para múltiplas plataformas de apresentação é sempre mais caro do que produzir para um único sistema computacional. Estas desvantagens podem ser superadas se for projetado um CBT com facilidade de modificação e possibilidadede apresentaçãouniversal, e se for escolhido um método de produção e distribuição que minimize retardos na entrega. O Web é uma solução ideal para estes problemas, portanto, treinamento braseado em WWW inevitavelmente transformará CBT em um sistema de treinamento universalmente acessível.

Why Computer Based Training?

Studies indicate that computer based training has advantages over traditional classroom instruction.

Not only is CBT an improved method of teaching, but the improvement can be seen in a variety of measurable areas, and by significant percentages.

Faster Learning Better Understanding Higher Content Retention Individualized Learning Pace Modular Approach Consistent Delivery Portability

Myths Dispelled Some common myths about CBT exist which must be dispelled at the outset:

CBT is generally NOT training on how to use a computer.

While this is one possible use of CBT, it is in no way the main-stay application

CBT lessons generally should NOT require much prerequisite level of computer literacy or keyboarding skills for the student.

Most PROPERLY DESIGNED CBT lessons are relatively easy to use

CBT is NOT a general purpose remedy for all training problems. CBT will not necessarily reduce training time or provide increased competence over other training methods.

These are certainly achievable objectives in a number of situations, but not guaranteed in all cases.


Web-based training (WBT) is an innovative approach to delivering computer-based training (CBT) to mass audiences.

As with well-designed CBT, WBT provides self-directed, self-paced instruction in any topic. However, WBT takes advantage of the proliferation of Web browsers and Internet access to deliver media-rich training across all major computer platforms.

The World Wide Web is an ideal vehicle for delivering CBT to individuals anywhere in the world at any time.

Advances in network technology and improvements in bandwidth will usher in capabilities for unlimited multimedia access.

Web browsers that support 3-D virtual reality, animation, interaction, and real-time audio and video will offer unparalleled simulation training opportunities. With the tools at hand today we can craft highly effective WBT to meet the training needs of a diverse population.

As instructional designers and training analysts learn how to write and produce WBT, and as training vendors come to realize the overwhelming advantages of this delivery method, expect an explosion in training offerings available over the Internet.

Razões para buscar o ensino à distância:

Como consequência os participantes ganham não só conhecimento, mas também novas habilidades sociais, incluindo a habilidade de comunicar e colaborar com colegas largamente dispersos, quem eles podem nunca ter visto.

Estratégias eficientes no ensino à distância:

Modos de Aprendizado

Outra variável importante na eficácia do aprendizado é a preferência do aluno por um modo particular de aprendizado:

Muitos projetos de educação à distância incorporam aprendizado cooperativo, projetos colaborativos, e interatividade entre grupos de alunos e entre locais.

Tecnologias utilizadas

Outras definições

Transmissão do som

Document sharing

A feature supported by many desktop videoconferencing systems that allows participants at both ends of a videoconference to view and edit the same computer document.

Multimedia Teleconferencing is an application where at least three of the above form of teleconferencing are used together to appeal to a variety of human senses or perceptions. An example is a teleconference using two-way audio/videoconferencing and audiographics. The videoconference system provides audio and video while the audiographics provides high resolution still frame visuals. Videoconferencing

Communication across long distances with video and audio contact that may also include graphics and data exchange.

Two-Way Videoconferencing is similar in concept to an audioconference. It employs voice and motion-video communications, usually accomplished using digital transmission systems, such as digital telephone lines (ISDN or Switched 56) or fiber optics. It can also use digital satellite or microwave transmission systems. A Coder/Decoder (CODEC) is used to digitize the audio and video to send over the digital telephone line. The Codec also converts the incoming audio and video from digital to analog. The Codec "compresses" the data to fit the transmission system being used. When more than two locations are involved, multipoint network bridging equipment is used.

One-Way Videoconferencing, also called Business Television (BTV), employs one-way motion-video from an origination site to multiple receive sites. It is used where it is not important to the content or message to "see" participants at the receive sites. Receiving sites are usually provided a way to respond to the origination site, usually by audioconference (voice) or facsimile. Common transmission systems include satellite and ITFS (Instructional Television Fixed Service). Standard telephone lines usually provide the interactive audio portion where desired.

Desktop videoconferencing

Videoconferencing on a personal computer. Most appropriate for small groups or individuals. Many desktop videoconferencing systems support document sharing. Room-based videoconferencing

Videoconferencing using a sophisticated system. Appropriate for large groups

Multipoint videoconference

Videoconference with more than two sites. The sites must connect via a video bridge. Point-to-point videoconference Videoconference between two sites.

Video bridge

Computerized switching system which allows multipoint videoconferencing.

March 25 TRAINING ON THE INTERNET (HRD 5770) Minnesota

This course will cover the basics of the internet using e-mail, and the World Wide Web. You will learn how to use internet software, and HTML for setting up web pages. The goal of this course is to learn how to use the internet as a training resource.

All instruction and communications are conducted online using a Web browser and e-mail. For more information about the course go the following URL:

Registrations will be accepted throught March 20, 1996

CONTACT: Heather German V: (612) 624-4033 FAX: (612) 624-5891 E-Mail:

Quality Distance Education (QDE)

Enhancing the Quality of Distance Education

What lessons have we learned about quality distance education? What factors will influence the success or failure of our distance education system?

Will investing millions in the latest technology guarantee success? What defines quality in the minds of our learners, faculty, administrators and those who pay the bills?

Copyright@ Liane Tarouco
Resumo dos tópicos discutidos na aula 1
Data: 11 de março de 1996