Each above described technology possesss security problems,
being through them that the attacks practised through executable
contents are possible. The main problems and its characteristics are
explained to follow
3.1 Java Language
The Java language was constructed to try to guarantee,
through the SandBox, that a hostile Applet does not provoke any
alteration in the environment where he is being executed, therefore
had been taxes a set of limitations and rules for its execution, thus
being, if an Applet will be received through a net, either it an
Intranet or the Internet, it is not qualified to execute a series of
tasks, as example can be specified the following ones: to read
archives of the machine customer; to record archives in the machine
customer; to erase archives in the machine customer using the method
of the Java Language File.delete(); to erase archives in the machine
customer calling commands the operational system, such as he removes
or delete; etc.
Problems in the implementation of the language and situations
foreseen in the elaboration of the procedures of security of the Java
language had not allowed that Java Applet could violate the rules
imposed for the SandBox. Some attacks using Java Applet had been
notified 96 [ MCG ], 96.05 [ CA ], 97 [ BIL ], 97 [ LAD ], [ LAD 96a
], [ LAD 96b ], 96 [ PRI ], 96 [ DEA ], 96 [ ROJ ], making with that
the manufacturers of the Java language and the manufacturers of the
products for it supported diponibilizassem new versions in which the
known vulnerabilities would be cured. To remain always the safe one
of the problems of security already known and told, it is convenient
that the Java tool that is being used, either it a Browser or a
Platform of development, always is brought up to date by the versions
most recent disponibilizadas by the manufacturers. However nobody is
free of future possibilities of attacks that had still not been
3.2 Javascript
Many of the problems of security created from the language
Javascript cannot directly be explored, that is, they need the
interaction with the user. As the majority of the users they do not
know of the implicit perigos in this type of technology, the attacks
if they become easy to be executed, therefore the users offer to all
the possible aid. For example, many attacks require that the users
press buttons that appear in boxes of dialogues so that the hostile
code is activated. A common trick is to construct a box of dialogues
so that the user pressures a button, being that the message shown in
the screen is simplest possible, as " Click OK to continue ". In the
box of I dialogue only exists a called button " OK ". Using
ingenuouses press the button activating the attack. As examples of
attacks it can be cited:
Javascript can be used to track all the " sites " visited by
an user without its knowledge, reporting the information for
atacante[RUB 97 ];
The user can ingenuamente send archives saw e-mail for the
aggressor pressing a confirmation button that appears in the screen of
97 Browser WWW[RUB ];
JavaScript can be used to mount attacks in systems that block
the entrance of Java Applet. For example: much Firewalls any
existing code between the markers (Tags) prevents the entrance of Java
Applet removing of a document HTML However,
JavaScript can be used to recriar a marker after the act of receiving of p3agina[RUB 97 ].
3.3 ActiveX
The executable contents developed by the ActiveX platform
when received and accepted to be executed for a Browser WWW it has
access to any resource of the machine. In the definition of use of
this technology he is described that executable contents ActiveX alone
would have to be accepted if the person who disponibilizou it in the
Internet was certified, thus guaranteeing its origin. This does not
occur in the practical one, therefore the majority of the users of
Browsers WWW qualifies the act of receiving of any contents, certifyd
or not. To certify the ActiveX contents does not decide the security
problem therefore any programmer obtains approximately to buy a
certification (authenticode) for 97 U$ 20.00[BRU ]. " If a badly
intentioned programmer to buy a certification and to develop an only
ActiveX control that dumb the configuration of the Browsers WWW
Internet Explorer so that any another ActiveX control is accepted, a
time that this Browsers was configured to only receive ActiveX
controls certifyd, never will be evident of where came the program
that desconfigurou the Browsers WWW. From this moment the users of
this Browsers are vulnerable to the other ActiveX control hostile of
Internet"[GAR 96 ]. An example of attack using ActiveX was notified
by 97 [ BUR ].
3.4 ShockWave
As the anima1c6oes ShockWave they are executable contents
that are received by the Browsers WWW to be executed, some attacks
already had been notified using this technology, as they below show
the related examples.