For the restriction of access to the paginas of configuration
of the tool proposal, one becomes necessary the control through key
and password, in which some authorized people will only have access.
This mechanism of authentication through key and password for the
configuration of the tool directly interacts with the system of
security of the machine Unix.
By questions of security guard in the access the information,
all pages HTML that are shown by the tool are stored in another area
of the record, not being part of the structure of directory of the WWW
server. These pages are salutes without the extension standard " html
or htm ", not to be identified. As they do not possess the
characteristic extension of pages HTML nor are part of the structure
standard of directory of the WWW server, he is impossible that they
are had access directly through a Browser WWW, being its possible
access only through a program cgi that mounts these pages knowing in
which archives they is stored and in which directories of the machine
Unix it is possible to find them. An exception for this rule exists,
that is, the first page is only accessible directly through the WWW
server, therefore it will be through it that all the too much
functions are had access. The too much pages of the tool alone will
be had access if the key and the password of the administrator will be
No matter how hard tools exist that obtain to block some of
the technologies mentioned in this document, as it is the case of the
Firewalls and some anti-viruses, will always appear a new technology
or the combination of them that they will be used to apply attacks to
the users of the Internet.
So that the results of these attacks were minimized,
therefore an effective control on all the Browsers WWW of an Intranet
is impracticable, appeared the solution displayed in session 4 of this
document, that bar the act of receiving of executable contents in the
entrance of the Intranet, leaving to only pass when the place of
origin of the executable content is known and was configured by the
administrator of the tool so that its act of receiving was accepted.
This is not the best solution for the problem a time that the
improvement of the quality of the documents that use executable
contents is substantial, and the solution proposal in session 4
guarantees the security but it restricts the act of receiving of these
technologies of places only known. No matter how hard an executable
content is trustworthy, if not to be part of the relation of known and
authorized places, its act of receiving is denied.
Some studies exist that include digital signatures in the
executable contents for the same ones can identify the origin, as it
is the case of the ActiveX controls, but exactly thus this do not
decide the problems of security generated by the use of these
technologies, therefore no matter how hard a code has a digital
signature nobody guarantees the result of its execution.
To decide the problems any executable content that was
received by a Browser WWW would have to pass for Models of Security
standard created in the Browser WWW for the execution of the same
ones, as it is shown in figure 5,1. This model of security is that it
would go to allow that an executable content could be processing,
independe of the technology that was used for the creation of exactly.
For this a standardization in the use of the executable
contents is necessary, that is, the executable contents first would be
executed and analyzed for the Model of Security it stops later its
execution being applied to the Browser WWW.
This strap of the languages that develop executable contents
the task to create alternative mechanisms to decide the problems of
security generated by badly projected solutions and many times badly