ANACAPA SOFTWARE NetScore Intelligent Agent For Network Management Response Time Performance Monitoring Using Internet Browsers
A New Day For Intranet Service Level Monitoring
NetScore Intelligent Agent
Browser Based Monitor Tracks User Response Times
- To Intranet and Internet Servers
- LAN File Servers
- IP Hosts
- SNA Mainframes
Intelligent Agents On User PCs Record Service Level Data
Viewable From A Browser Anywhere
What It Does
NetScore Intelligent Agent gives administrators and users fast, accurate and simple information about how quickly the network and the desired resources are responding to a users requests. It directly measures and logs the round trip response times to to servers and hosts. Its graphic data is presented on most any browser such as Netscape or Internet Explorer. A powerful benefit of web browsers is the ability to quickly view data from any site using NetScore Intelligent Agent. Network Administrators need not be located at a special console. They can remotely verify reports of degrading performance affecting a user by using a browser anywhere. Less travel and improved reaction time to trouble reports is the result.
With NetScore you don't have to guess about how much performance is degrading . You will know. Both administrators and users can be automatically notified when service levels fall below desired thresholds. NetScore Intelligent Agents are the inexpensive way to know when poor network performance might be affecting users productivity and will give you the data to prove it. NetScore Intelligent Agent historical data may also be sent to a planned companion product, NetScore Surveillance Center. There, long term data can be stored for baselining and capacity planning.
This is a typical NetScore response time graph (response time vs. time of day). It indicates the server
frequently exceeds the critical threshold (red areas) as well as the marginal threshold (yellow areas).
Green areas indicate response time better than thresholds. |
How Is It Different?
- NetScore Intelligent Agent sends out real operations on a preset schedule to servers and hosts
- It logs the end-to-end response time of each operation performed and keeps a history file
- It generates on the fly graphics showing performance over time on standard browsers
- NetScore directly measures response time. An easy to understand number rather than statistics which users with complaints don't understand
What Are The Benefits Network Managers Get Using NetScore Intelligent Agent?
- Administrators using a browser can see response time data from any NetScore Intelligent Agent anywhere increasing the span of locations to be served
- Remote home office and travelling users will have their service levels tracked automatically and have data on demand for administrators in case of trouble
- NetScore provides other key data about the remote PC to help address trouble: memory, disk, .ini files, autoexec, config.sys, etc. (Click on View System Information in the demo for more)
- You may need fewer and less technically trained administrators to keep user performance (and productivity) up
Want a demo of NetScore Intelligent Agent...NOW?
A Few More Facts About NetScore Intelligent Agent
- Agents are now available for Windows Platforms (Unix and OS\2 soon)
- Monitoring is invisible to users (NetScore operates in the background )
- NetScore requires a standard web browser and associated IP Stack
- NetScore Surveillance Center for central control and database storage available soon
NetScore Intelligent Agent....A Very Inexpensive Solution To Simple Service Level Monitoring
More Information?
Pricing and Availability
Press Release About NetScore
Company Background
For More Information
email to webmaster
Anacapa Island is the gateway to the Santa Barbara shipping channel and visible to many in
Ventura County California just north of Los Angeles. Its lighthouse is a beacon for mariners as we
hope Anacapa Software will be to network administrators and performance managers. We are dedicated
to providing tools which address complex intranet and internet traffic on todays already complex networks. |
Last updated:Tuesday, May 28, 1996 - 10:42:56 PM
Web Master: Warren Sullivan
Telephone 805-523-1745 Ventura, California USA
copyright 1996