Green Ribbon Campaign
Zondervan Green Ribbon for Responsibility in Free Speech
for Responsibility in Free Speech

Public Service Announcement

(NOTE: Media Outlets planning to use this PSA can request Green Ribbon Campaign Buttons in Packets of 100 by e-mailing the Green Ribbon Campaign.)

Green Ribbon Campaign for Responsibility in Free Speech

Freedom of speech is our constitutional right. Carefully exercising that freedom is our moral responsibility.

Words have power. The right word at the right time uplifts, inspires, corrects, instructs.

Good citizens know they’re accountable for their actions as well as their words.

The Internet has seen a staggering growth in the potential for the freedom of expression to people throughout the world. Sadly, in some quarters, this same freedom is abused and used irresponsibly as a smoke screen to communicate insults, vulgarity, profanity, and violence.

Join with _____________________ (station call letters) and Zondervan Publishing House in expressing your support for responsibility in free speech. Call _______________________ (phone number) today to receive a free Green Ribbon lapel button you can wear to tell others that the right to free speech must be responsibly exercised. That’s ________________________ (phone number). For more information about the Green Ribbon Responsibility In Free Speech campaign, go on the Internet to w-w-w-dot-zondervan-dot-com.

Note: For a :30 version of this PSA, begin reading at - The Internet has seen a staggering growth....]

300 Patterson Avenue SE
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49530

Zondervan Publishing House