Welcome to Netparents.org | Resources for Internet Parents
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[* Kid-Safe Net Access]
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[* Kid-Safe Sites]
[* Other Resources]
You Want Your Kids to Have Access to the Internet...

So they can take advantage of the vast array of exciting educational information, connect with friends and family, and gain valuable skills necessary for success in the Information Age.

Concerned About What Else Your Kids Might Find?

Cyberspace -- just like a major city -- has its good sections and a few bad neighborhoods. And just like the real world, the online world poses new challenges for both parents and kids.

There is help available for Internet Parents

Fortunately, tools that allow parents to control their children's access to inappropriate material online are 100% available to every Internet-connected household today. The variety of easy to use, effective tools for parents means that families can surf the Internet consistent with their own family values.

This site is dedicated to providing resources for parents who want to protect their kids from inappropriate material online, as well as links to valuable information designed to help you become a better Internet Parent. Netparents.org does not endorse any one product or approach over another. We hope you'll take a look around.

News: President Clinton and Vice President Gore highlight Netparents.org, pledge to encourage user empowerment solutions. [Updated July 18, 1997]

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Last modified Friday, 08-Aug-97 10:54:39 EDT

webmaster@netparents.org / Copyright © 1997