Foi descoberta uma falha na segurança do software Mosaic, utilizado para armazenar
informações em computadores ligados à World Wide Web.
A falha permite que os hackers tomem o controle dos servidores da Rede, fazendo com que haja o risco
de a Rede tornar-se vulnerável ao ataque de "worms", programas automatizados
que apagam sistematicamente instalações da Rede.
"Esta é a primeira vulnerabilidade realmente seria da Rede.", comentou um cientista de computação
do Computer Incident Advisory Capability, do Departamento de Energia.
O National Center for Supercomputing Applications da Universidade de Illinois,
que criou o Mosaic, criou um software "remendo" que verifica o comprimento das
strings de comando, desta forma impedindo que qualquer pessoa inclua uma linha
extra com comandos potencialmente danosos.
(Wall Street Journal 21/02/95 B8)
Exemplo: The WORM
- 2/nov/1988
- Copiava a si mesmo de máquina a máquina
- Carregava as várias máquinas infectadas preterindo o atendimento a outros usuários
- MIT, NASA, US ARmy Ballistic Research Lab desconectaram-se da rede
- Roberto Morris - 5 anos de prisao $ 250.000 jan/90
Active X control crashes Windos 95
- • Information page with a link to a page which loads the control:
- http:16/10/96/www.halcyon.com/mclain/ActiveX/
- uote from the page:
- Exploder is an Active X control which demonstrates security problems with
Microsoft's Internet Explorer.
- Exploder performs a clean shutdown of Win95 and will turn off the power
on machines that have a power conservation BIOS (green machines).
Microsoft Internet Information Server v 1.0 ".bat" Security Bug
- .bat and .cmd BUG is well-known in Netscape server and described in WWW security FAQ Q59
- undocumented remote administration feature
- IIS Web server maps .bat and .cmd extensions to cmd.exe
- 1) IIS Web server allows a hacker to execute his "batch file" by typing /scripts/abracadabra.bat?&COMMAND1+?&COMMAND2+?&...+?&COMMANDN
In a similar situation with the Netscape server, only single command can be executed.
- 2) There is no file abracadabra.bat in /scripts directory, but .bat extension is mapped to C:\WINNT35\System32\cmd.exe
In a similar situation with the Netscape server, actual .bat file must exist.
- 3) In case a hacker enters a command like "time" or "date" as COMMAND[N], nothing will be logged by IIS Web server.
In a similar situation with the Netscape server, the error log will have a record about remote IP and command you trying to execute.>
- 4. Workaround
Disable .BAT and .CMD file extensions for external CGI scripts in file mapping feature of IIS Web server.
Novell HTTP server
- If you are running the Novell HTTP server, please disable the CGI's
it comes with it until you understand (fully understand) what the security risks are.
- The CGI in question is convert.bas (yes, cgi's in basic, stop laughing).
- A remote user can read any file on the remote file system using this CGI.
- This means that if you are running the Novell HTTP server and have the 'out of box' CGI's, you are breached.
- Exploit code:
- http:16/10/96/victim.com/scripts/convert.bas?../../anything/you/want/to/view